
Marketing Your Dog Biz

team paws and hands

Marketing Your Dog Biz

Filling Your Classes

If you’re a typical class trainer you’d rather think about what you’re going to do with students once you have them in your classroom than what you’re going to do to get them there. For most of us, teaching is much more fun than marketing — and it comes much more easily. But given the […]

An Easier (& More Effective) Approach to Marketing Your Dog Business

Marketing. Probably not your favorite subject, we know. Most dog pros engage in spot marketing—doing a bit here and there “when there’s time,” or making a panicked push when things slow down, and feeling vaguely guilty and stressed the rest of the time. Spot marketing is understandable. After all, working with dogs is much more […]

Newsletter Marketing– A Win For You & The Dogs

Newsletters can be powerful marketing tools. Done well, they provide ongoing connection to and brand loyalty from current clients. They let past clients know about new services to come back for, and remind them you’re there if friends or family need a dog pro. They introduce and keep you in front of potential clients until […]

The Power of Print Newsletters

E-mail newsletters are a common dog pro marketing tool, and they serve an important purpose. As we’ve written about in the past, e-newsletters are great for maintaining connection to and brand loyalty among current clients, and bringing past clients back into the fold. Done well, a good e-mail newsletter may get passed around and occasionally […]

The Professional Bio

Working with hundreds of trainers across the country each year affords me the opportunity to notice trends, patterns, and peculiarities in the way we and our industry operate. One phenomenon I’ve been repeatedly struck by is the way we write about ourselves. A strong bio is part of an effective marketing message and, as a […]