
Marketing Your Dog Biz

team paws and hands

Marketing Your Dog Biz

Why Marketing Fails

Running a business without proper marketing is like running an engine without oil. But running a car with the wrong kind of oil will get you into trouble, too, just as there’s no point spending time and money on marketing that doesn’t work. If you’re not satisfied with the results of your current marketing efforts, […]

Boost Your Marketing With Client Success Stories

For many dog trainers, motivation to ‘stay in the game’ is tied to our clients’ success: Those nourishing fist-pump moments when a client’s relationship with their dog deepens, when they’re able to enjoy an activity together that was previously a struggle, when joy and relief replace frustration or fear. These tales of transformation aren’t just […]

Searching for your ideal clients? You need an avatar!

Who is your dream client? It could be one you’ve longed for, or one you’ve been fortunate to work with. What made them so great to work with? Was it their unwavering commitment to the training plan, or enthusiasm for positive reinforcement based methods? Perhaps their dog was a breed or age you love working […]

Searching for content ideas? Here’s how to get unstuck

Want to know a secret? This article spent several hours as a blank page, cursor blinking forlornly, before coming into existence. Despite the epic amount of dog-related content you probably consume, it’s common to draw a blank when creating your own. Whether you’re seeking ideas for an impactful social media post, a client handout, or […]

Breaking the networking ice

A strong referral network can be the cornerstone of a successful dog training or walking business. From a marketing perspective, word of mouth referrals from clients and other professionals helps to drive traffic your way and elevate your reputation. These networks can also help you feel less isolated in your work, and embed you within […]