As the holiday season begins, you may be thinking about how to end the year positively for your business. And let’s be honest – between wrangling your household, travel plans, and one too many servings of eggnog – it’s best to keep your business activities quick and easy. This time of year is also ideal […]
Marketing Your Dog Biz
Marketing Your Dog Biz
The Magic of Niches
What makes you special? In an ever growing industry, standing out in the dog world can be tough. One way to combat this is to get specific about who you are and what you offer. Unless you are the only trainer in town, you may want to consider specializing in certain topics or areas. Not […]
Welcome Everyone to Your Website
Does your website offer a warm hello to everyone? Web accessibility is a term that promotes tools and technologies that can be understood and navigated by all, including those with disabilities. Google’s own website posits that “everyone should be able to access and enjoy the web”, and there is big overlap between search engine rankings […]
Why You Should List Your Rates on Your Website
Very few dog pros I know are comfortable talking about their rates with potential clients. Let’s face it: We’re dog lovers, not salespeople. But you shouldn’t let that discomfort extend to your website. In fact, handling the numbers right on your site can make the over-the-phone or in-person sales process much easier on yourself—and on […]
Why Marketing Fails
Running a business without proper marketing is like running an engine without oil. But running a car with the wrong kind of oil will get you into trouble, too, just as there’s no point spending time and money on marketing that doesn’t work. If you’re not satisfied with the results of your current marketing efforts, […]