Ring, Ring! Many dog pros feel like slaves to their telephones, reporting a near compulsion to answer them no matter the hour, inconvenience, or what else may be going on. What if the call goes to voice mail and the potential client moves on to another choice? Put the Phone Down There are several compelling […]
Getting Organized
Getting Organized
The Software Your Dog Biz Needs
The world gets more high tech every day, and we dog pros aren’t always the first in the rush to adopt new technology. Learning curves can be time consuming and tech learning curves are their own brand of pain. But there’s a lot of software out there ready to make a powerful difference in how […]
It’s Time To Take Some Time Off
Depending on where you live, summers and holidays likely see RVs rolling down the highway, station wagons and SUVs loaded down with bicycles and camping gear, school-age children screaming through local parks in the middle of the weekdays, or tourists sauntering about with cameras and pointing index fingers. What about you? Did you get a break […]
Saying No to Say Yes: A 5-Point Formula for Saying Yes to What Matters Most
R+ dog pros are good at a lot of things. We’re good at empathy and reading body language. We’re good at training plans. We’re good at situational awareness and leash handling and timing. We’re good at cheerleading. (“What a good dog you are!”) Some of us are blazes with a clicker, and we’re all fast […]
How To Do It All (By Not Doing It All)
Imagine a job description which read: Seeking a motivated and passionate individual with expertise in marketing, accounting, customer service, web design, operations, management, event planning, coaching and networking. Must also have a thorough understanding of canine and human behavior and be willing to lie awake at 3am pondering training plans. Being a dog professional can […]