
Training Practices

Studious Golden Lab

Training Practices

Making Difficult Conversations Less Difficult

As positive reinforcement-based dog professionals, we tend to care deeply about others’ feelings, and naturally dislike conflict. For many of us, just the thought of a difficult conversation makes our stomach turn. But take heart when faced with one. It means you’ve made a decision to improve something in your situation. Hold on to that […]

Pointers for Productive, Profitable Training Packages

You want to make the biggest possible difference in the lives of clients and their dogs. You want to see the bond between them grow, see their relationship develop into joyful, mutually-rewarding companionship. Want to know the best way to ensure that happens? Here’s the simple secret: It’s more time with YOU. The more you’re […]

Group Classes that Really Work

If you’re teaching group classes, chances are you’ve encountered at least a few common challenges. Like the students who confide in you their dogs “only behave during class” or “when the trainer is around.” Or having to decide between canceling or postponing classes that don’t fill on time, or going ahead with them half-full. There’s […]

The Case for Day Training

We trainers often feel frustrated by unfinished cases and low client compliance—endemic issues in our industry—leading us to describe owners as lazy, uncommitted, unskilled, uncaring, cheap. Alternately, we internalize the failure and blame poor results on our own shortcomings. Neither explanation is fair nor helpful. We have learned to stop blaming the dog and just […]

Anatomy of a Successful Puppy Training Program

A lot is said and written about the importance of early puppy socialization and training. Which leads to a lot being said and written about the challenges of client compliance. How do we get people to take their pups out into the world despite their busy schedules? When you want something done right, do it […]