
Marketing Your Dog Biz

team paws and hands

Marketing Your Dog Biz

A Better Approach to Guarantees

Making guarantees is a tricky business. Domino’s Pizza discovered this back in the early 90’s after its 30-minute-delivery-or-your-pizza-is-free guarantee led to a series of car accidents and lawsuits. You may not have a lot in common with an international chain like Domino’s—apart from the occasional use of pepperoni with your more demanding clients—but you’re undoubtedly […]

Getting (& Giving) More Referrals

We’re guessing you’d love more referrals, but worry about pestering fellow professionals? If so, it’s worth keeping in mind that giving referrals benefits the referring party, too. It may fill a need and provide value-added capital with a client, such as when a vet refers a frustrated or frightened dog guardian to a trainer. And […]

Help Your Dog Business By Helping Shelter Dogs

One of the best things about content marketing, what we at dogbiz sometimes also call community marketing, is that it allows you to do good in the world while promoting your business. The concept is to share your expertise so referral sources and potential clients get to see you in action, benefit from your knowledge, […]

Expanding Your Services

Diversify and Conquer There comes a time in the life of every business, whatever its size, when the question of growth arises and decisions have to be made. Most business owners in this situation think vertically—more clients, higher prices, additional employees—often overlooking lateral opportunities, which, if approached with imagination, can add both revenue and diversity. […]