
Mastering Client Paperwork

If only it were just about training the dogs! But of course it isn’t. Many other responsibilities, tasks, and details vie for a dog trainer’s attention. Client-based paperwork is not the least among them. Interview forms, write-ups or reports, homework sheets—dog trainers spend more time at their desks than people might think. I often work […]

Let It Ring

Ring, Ring! Many dog pros feel like slaves to their telephones, reporting a near compulsion to answer them no matter the hour, inconvenience, or what else may be going on. What if the call goes to voice mail and the potential client moves on to another choice? Put the Phone Down There are several compelling […]

Reducing Stress

A certain amount of stress or anxiety from time to time is to be expected when owning and running a small business. As a business consultant and coach for dog pros I’ve seen many a dog pro struggle with fears of failure or bite their nails during slow times. But in my experience much of […]

Good Policies Save Money

Running a business without effective policies is like driving a car without oil. The car—or your business—runs less and less effectively until, finally, it breaks down. To avoid spending time on the side of the road, here are some tips to tune up your policies. Scheduling Policy Set your schedule up for success. “What time […]

The Case for Day Training

We trainers often feel frustrated by unfinished cases and low client compliance—endemic issues in our industry—leading us to describe owners as lazy, uncommitted, unskilled, uncaring, cheap. Alternately, we internalize the failure and blame poor results on our own shortcomings. Neither explanation is fair nor helpful. We have learned to stop blaming the dog and just […]