
Looking back to look forward

It’s easy to develop a reactive approach to business in the dog industry. When clients call, we often jump, particularly if there is a dog in need. When we’re worried about growth, we scramble to post  marketing messages on social media or design fliers. If we’ve recognized a gap in our own skills, it can […]

Yikes! What to do with negative reviews

There’s no sugar coating it – bad reviews hurt. Receiving negative feedback can be challenging even for the most resilient, and if it’s in the public sphere it can be doubly hard. Nowadays the court of public opinion is everywhere. From social media, Yelp and Google business listings, to good old-fashioned word of mouth, discussing […]

Breaking the networking ice

A strong referral network can be the cornerstone of a successful dog training or walking business. From a marketing perspective, word of mouth referrals from clients and other professionals helps to drive traffic your way and elevate your reputation. These networks can also help you feel less isolated in your work, and embed you within […]

Time to Train that Inbox

If you ever feel that the definition of happiness is an empty inbox, you’re not alone. A report from Adobe found that 42% of Americans admitted to checking their email in the bathroom, and 50% checked their email while in bed. The goal towards inbox zero can take over our lives, and for small business […]

Welcome Everyone to Your Website

Does your website offer a warm hello to everyone? Web accessibility is a term that promotes tools and technologies that can be understood and navigated by all, including those with disabilities. Google’s own website posits that “everyone should be able to access and enjoy the web”, and there is big overlap between search engine rankings […]