
2 Ways to Play Live on November 1st!​

Whichever option you choose, THRIVE! Live! day costs just $50. We’re keeping it cheap for maximum participation.

Top 3 Reasons to attend THRIVE! Live! live:

  1. Hang out, laugh, and share ideas with fellow Hive members— for reals!
    We’re having a little social get together the night before, plus you’ll spend all day rubbing elbows and sharing ideas with Hive friends.

  2. Unprecedented level of access to the dogbiz team
    Right now we’re looking at a ratio of about 4 Hive members to 1 dogbiz coach!  That means in-person 1-on-1 and small (and we do mean small) group coaching from the dogbiz coaches—get their eyes (literally) on the part of your business you’re most keen to grow or evolve.

  3. Chance to get away from the day-to-day and really focus on your goals.
    Imagine how far you can jump forward, and how quickly! We’re anticipating never-before-heard-of levels of marble spilling.

If we’ve convinced you to join us live, go here to register. Don’t forget your code for the THRIVE! Live! day is EVIRHT.

Can’t attend in person? Join us for the THRIVE! Day Livestream!

Think of it as a whole day live THRIVE! session.

Here’s some of what you’ll participate in from wherever you usually THRIVE!:

9-11am Pacific Time
Live teaching from Veronica & Gina, reviewing the most important aspects of building and marketing a dog training service.

An exercise to warm up your application skills and creativity. You can choose to participate in a small Zoom breakout room or tackle the challenge on your own. Either way, Veronica & Gina will lead a share-out discussion with live attendees, and you’ll be able to participate through the chat.

11am-12pm Pacific Time
Get It DONE! Workshop time to apply your fired-up creativity to your own business, with the coaches on hand to help.

12-2pm Pacific Time
2-hour lunch break. While Live participants take a social lunch and engage in additional focused coaching with Veronica, Gina, & Tia, you get 2 hours to eat, rest, walk the dog, whatever you need to do.

2-4pm Pacific Time
Live scaffolding demo & exercise. In honor of it being Curriculum & Coaching month, we’ll turn the livestream back on when Gina leads a live coaching scaffolding demo with Veronica as her (warily willing) victim…  There’ll be plenty of time for discussion afterward, too.

Whichever option you choose, we can’t wait to THRIVE! Live with you!

Veronica, Gina, Tia, Delphi, & Deborsha