

Ready to put your best foot forward?​

Get more business with a professional logo and website​

Inspire confidence

Grab potential clients’ attention with a logo and website that signals your professionalism and dedication to your work.

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Draw the right clients

An effective website entices clients who are the right match, saving you wasted phone time screening poor leads.

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Make selling easy

A good website does your selling for you, bringing you clients who are ready to say yes—not who still need convincing.

Help more dogs

A website that brings you the right clients, ready to sign on for your services, gives you opportunity to help more dogs.

We’ll help you:

How it works

Step 1: Success Prep Consult

Armed with your pre-consulting questionnaire, your dogbiz consultant will help you identify the branding style and marketing message perfectly matched to your ideal clients. We’ll also make sure your services and pricing are structured to best appeal to your clients, meet their needs, and sustain you financially.

Step 2: The Creative Brief

Your consultant will create a document designed to guide your writer and designer to produce a logo and website perfectly matched to your business and clientele.

Step 3: Assembling Your Team

Based on your goals, timeline, and work style, your consultant will introduce you to a team with the right skill sets and personality to hit your project out of the park for you.

Step 4: Leading Your Project

Your dogbiz consultant will oversee your design team, helping to provide feedback on initial designs and drafts, and helping to keep your project on schedule.

Step 5: Your New Logo & Website

You show the world who you are and what you can do through a memorable new logo and a website that does your selling for you.

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Our Creative Partners

We’ve done the research for you, so you’ll work with designers and writers who work primarily or exclusively with animal-related businesses and who are:

Creative Partners are independent business owners and dogbiz is not responsible for their actions. That disclaimer shared, we don’t keep people around who don’t live up to dogbiz standards!

Your creative partners will provide independent quotes and you’ll pay them directly for their work. dogbiz receives no payment of any kind for the work creative partners do. We charge separately for our services to prepare and coordinate your project, lending our business consulting expertise to ensure a logo perfectly suited to your brand and a website that will work its hardest to do your selling for you.

Logo Samples

A small sample of logos created by dogbiz Creative Partners for our clients:

Keep It Cute logo
Let Us Do The Walking logo
Melanie Cerone logo
Malena DeMartini logo
Who's your Walkie logo
Laughing Mutts logo
The Animal Behaviour Business logo
bona fido logo

Website Samples

A small sample of websites created by dogbiz Creative Partners for our clients:


$900 + The cost of your logo and/or website

Ready to put your best foot forward?

Not sure what you need? Start with a single consult to make sure our process is the right fit for you.



“Just wanted to let you know about a really nice conversation with a man who’s enrolling his new dog in our class. He told me he went searching online and came across our site. He said it was the only one that was ‘real’ and he just loved everything about it. I thank him and he said, “Well, I admire quality, and your website and words reflect that.” 

–Lisa Waggoner, Cold Nose College, Murphy, NC

photo of DWA instructor Lisa

“Today I met with a new client. I asked how she found me and she said the internet. She said my website was ‘far superior’ to anything she had found. She loved everything she read. I just wanted to thank you for doing such fabulous oversight of my website writing and creation for me!” 

–Nancy Weller, Pawsitively Fabulous, South Coast, DE

woman and dogs

“I notice that more people are seeing my site since my website makeover. People are finding me a lot easier and the people my referral sources send over are more likely to commit because of the new site. Thanks again for all your help!” 

–Nannette Morgan, Pawsitive Pals Dog Training, Morgan Hill, CA

woman and dogs

Let’s put your best foot forward together

Just have some questions or need a free referral? We can help with those, too!

Logo & Website Design FAQ

Does dogbiz create my logo or website?

No. Our job is to oversee the work done on your behalf by the independent Creative Partners we work with.

How do you vet the Creative Partners?

To work with dogbiz clients as a Creative Partner, writers and designers must have a focus on working with small businesses (including setting their fees accordingly!), a proven dedication to good customer service (including being fun to work with and delivering on time), a good feel for our industry and a love of animals, and great skills.

How will you pick which Creative Partners I’ll work with?

Primarily we look at the type of feel and style that will best suit your marketing message, audience, and business goals, and also the timeframe for your project. We also take into account work styles and personality to make sure you have a terrific experience.

Can I choose which Creative Partners to work with?

Absolutely. Your consultant will usually make recommendations for who we think would be the best match for you, but the choice of who to work with is always up to you, and we’ll show you all your options.

How much will my logo or website cost?

That’s hard to answer, as it depends on your project and your needs, but expect to pay on the low end of professional rates, as our Creative Partners deliberately price themselves to work with small dog businesses. Your dogbiz consultant will be able to give you an estimate in your first consult hour, and work with you to find a solution that fits your budget.